Tuesday, December 16, 2008


We went to Old Navy to get some new clothes
and she picked out this hat. She did not want to take it off!!

Bella's hair is long enough again to put in Pig Tails.

We are in the process of potty training-Bella is doing really well.

Jason and I went to see Savior of the World. It was such a great reminder of what this season is all about! There was an Artist, Mark Mabry there with his exhibit. He is a photographer and his work is amazing. I love the picture of the 10 virgins and if you go to the right and under The Artists, Mark Mabry, there is a cool clip to watch. Here is a link to his website-

1 comment:

Tara said...

Cute piggy tails! Yes Savior of the World was amazing and it was so much fun to sit with you guys! I loved the photo exhibit after which I had more time to view them.